Our Partners in Europe
MecSoft Europe GmbH
Geschäftsführer: Ulrich Oehler
Gutlay 4
55545 Bad Kreuznach
Telefon: +49 671 920650-40
Telefax: +49 671 920650-39
E-Mail: info(@)mecsoft-europe.de
Web: https://mecsoft-europe.de
Geschäftsführer: Dipl-Ing. Detlev Kils-Korte
Parkallee 25
20144 Hamburg
Telefon: +49 40 - 418934
Telefax: +49 171 812 15 21
E-Mail: info(@)cimdesign.de
Web: https://www.cimdesign.de/
cnc-Technical UG
Geschäftsführer: Hans-Peter Schindler
Blochmattenstrasse 12
79423 Heitersheim
Telefon: +49 7634 - 6944120
Telefax: +49 7634 - 6944370
E-Mail: info(@)cnc-technical.de
Web: http://cnc-technical.de/Index.html
KSC CAM-Service
Geschäftsführer: Klaus Solle
Beethovenweg 28
32805 Horn-Bad Meinberg
Telefon: +49 5234 880 831
E-Mail: info(@)ksc-cam-service.de
Web: http://www.ksc-cam-service.de/
MillStep Automation GmbH
Geschäftsführer: Dipl.-Ing. Dimitri Kapetzke
Industriezentrum 69
32139 Spenge
Telefon: +49 5225 - 8749114
Telefax: +49 5225 - 8749113
E-Mail: info(@)millstep.de
Web: https://www.millstep.de/
SKCNC - Köhler GmbH & Co. KG
Inhaber: Stephan Köhler
Im Brühl 7
55743 Kirschweiler
Telefon: +49 678131635
E-Mail: info(@)skcnc.de
Web: https://www.skcnc.de/
Geschäftsführer: Björn Olaf Behrens
Am Weinberge 1A
31535 Neustadt a. Rbg.
Telefon: +49 5032 9646460
Telefax: +49 5032 9646469
E-Mail: info(@)bob-tec.de
Web: https://bob-tec.de/
3D BASE Visualisierungstechnologie
Inhaber: Dr. Gerald Sodl
8042 Graz
Moosbrunnweg 4
Telefon/Fax: +43 (0)720 73 23 03
E-Mail: info (@) rhino3d-shop.at
Web: https://www.rhino3d-shop.at/
Technik Kacetl e.U.
Inhaber: DI Harald Kacetl
1230 Wien
Oberlaaer Straße 312
Telefon/Fax: +43 (0) 681 10 70 46 14
E-Mail: technik(@)kacetl.at
Web: https://technik.kacetl.at/
Maschinen- und Präzisionswerkzeuge e.U.
Inhaber: Norbert Artner
3435 Zwentendorf an der Donau/Erpersdorf
Straussgasse 16
Telefon: +43 (0) 2277 2962
Mobil: +43 (0) 664 144 2868
E-Mail: toolart(@)drei.at
Web: https://www.toolart.at/
S-CADCAM s.r.o.
CEO: Ludek Svoboda
Jana z Ústí 1140
391 02 Sezimovo Ústí
Czech Republic
Phone: +420 605 175 210
E-Mail: ludek.svoboda (@) scadcam.cz
Web: https://www.cadcam-vyhodne.cz
BOZAKO s.r.o.
CEO: Kamil Beran
Chotěnice 28
53803 Heřmanův Městec
Czech Republic
Phone: +420 77 421-5654
E-Mail: info (@) cadcnc.cz
Web: https://www.cadcnc.cz/
LTS Maskin AS
Contact: Ruben Solberg
Gjerstadveien 230
5282 Lonevåg
Phone: +47 56 39 12 00
Fax: +47 907 31 566
E-Mail: post(@)LTSMaskin.no
Web: https://www.ltsmaskin.no/
CEO: Pierre-Henri Fabre
234, Rue Newton
Z.I Les Marais
Phone: +33 474 80 2628
E-Mail: info (@) tirtiss.com
Web: https://www.bobcad-france.fr/
CEO: Tomasz Sulek
Jerzmanice Zdroj 16a
59-500 Zlotoryja
Phone: +48 797-358-009
E-Mail: biuro (@) protoncam.pl
Web: http://www.protoncam.pl
Become a Reseller
By becoming a Reseller, you can develop additional revenue streams and strengthen relationships with customers as you provide licenses to genuine BobCAD-CAM products.
We provide you with big margins so you can capitalize on your new and existing relationships. Plus, our pricing model is very aggressive so you can give your customers the CAD-CAM power they need at a price they can afford.
We're here to support you and your customers. As a reseller for BobCAD-CAM Software, we provide you with the product, training, and support resources to help you meet the needs and expectations of your customers.
BobCAD-CAM gives you access to one of the most extensive lines of CAD-CAM systems on the market. Our software comes with 2, 3, 4, and 5 axis capabilities for mill, mill turn, lathe, router, laser, plasma, waterjet, and wire EDM machines. We also have an artistic package and more.
If you want to participate from our success - contact us now!